MEC SAN’s new website is now online

MEC SAN’s new website is now online, and it is full of modern graphics and technologies. Due to its incompatibility with mobile devices, the use of Adobe Flash has been replaced with the lighter and more modern HTML 5.
The new website is fully responsive, therefore it can be viewed on both smartphones and tablets, no matter how big or small their displays are. Special attention has been given to how quick the pages are able to load; waiting times have been notably reduced when compared to the previous version of the website.
The navigation menu has been redesigned to make it clearer and more intuitive, and content has been reorganised and categorised so that it is easy for users to find what they are looking for based on their interests. Navigation has been made easier with quick-access menus down the sides of the internal pages.
There have been major improvements to the layout: the scrolling images on the homepage immediately give users an overall idea of the company and the technologies it uses. Focus points about the company’s main services have been added. Text is larger and easier to read, and images have been resized to provide the best visual quality depending on their size.
Modern, intuitive, clear, and fast: come and have a look at MEC SAN’s new website!